Sunday, September 21, 2008

Night at the Beach

We finally took the time to go to the beach tonight. We live 2 miles from it and always talk about how we should go more often and then never do. The kids love it and all the locals are super friendly. Tourist season is over now, so it is just all the old people with leathery looking skin wearing swimsuits that are way too small and revealing for someone their age! Right now is sea turtle nesting season and Mya loves it. We had a great time and the weather was perfect, not too hot, with a beautiful breeze. The weekends are never long enough and I can't believe it is back to the insanity tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Poor Trey!

I turn my head for one second to grab a towel and when I turn around Mya has stuck suction bath toys to Trey's head. Poor baby. He just sits there and happily lets Mya do whatever she wants to. I laughed so hard when I saw him. I then left them on long enough to grab the camera and snap a few. Note to other mothers! Do not leave suction toys on your baby's head for more than a second. When I removed them they left little circles in his head with some bruising for several days and I even worried about possible bleeding under the skin. I am an unfit mother! I spent the next 2 nights waking him up at night to make sure his pupils were equal and he didn't have increased pressure in his head from a slow bleed! In know, that is the psycho PA in me. Anyway, other than that trauma in his life, he is doing great. He is almost 9 months and crawling like a crazy man. Nothing is safe. He eats potpouri, sucks dog bones, and most horrific of all rips Mya's art projects when he gets a hold of them. Let me tell you, all hell breaks loose when one of her 50 papers she has colored in a day gets the slightest tear in it. Trey is also adjusting to our new nanny that comes 4 hours a day. I was worried that it would be a tough transition on him, and he has proved me wrong. Ms. Cheree, as we call her is wonderful and I am so thankful for her. My new job as a Pediatrics PA has also been great. I wasn't sure if peds was my thing, but I absolutely love it. For all you mommy friends of mine, give me about 6 months of work and I will be a much better resource for you as far as treating kids.

Mya Update!

It has been so long since I have posted on our blog. I always have good intentions of keeping these types of things updated, but as usual I have not done such a good job. At the end of the night, once the kids are in bed, I have a million other things to do. For instance, right now I should be getting things ready for Mya's first day of preschool. She is so excited. I know she is 4 and a half and many people have hinted that she should have already been going, but I wanted to keep her home with me as long as possible. Admitting that she is ready to start preschool means that she is no longer my baby and that she can do things without me!!! I need to get a grip, I know! As you can see from the picture, she loves bowling with her dad, swimming, hanging out with her "baby boy" as she calls Trey, and doing anything crafty. She is working on reading and last night she read her first word. Not the first word that we had in mind, and hopefully it isn't an indication of what is to come. We were watching the Olympics and the TV was on mute and the word VISA flashes across the screen and I hear her say "VI...SA. Anyway, she starts preschool tomorrow and soccer next week. Andre went out and bought her all the gear. We could have done it all for $20 but Andre insisted on her having the best stuff and came home with a $60 receipt. Oh well, I guess that is how it is going to be married to a coach!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Just some funny pictures........

These just cracked me up and I had to post them. Andre has been dying to put him in the Santa Cruz Harley shirt. Mattthew and Monica gave it to us at the hospital when he was born and it finally fits. Trey is such a good little guy. He's happy all the time and smiles everytime you look at him. His favorite people continue to be Mya and Sasha, and me, only if he is hungry! We are working on dropping our nurisngs down to about 4 times a day in preparation for me working 4 hours a day. Saying he is not happy with this is an understatement. At 7 months he would still nurse every 3 hours if I would let him. Take a look at his teeth and that will tell you one reason wh
y the nursing has to slow down!

Lookout Hasselbeck (title by Andre)

Andre is training Trey early. He loves his Seattle Seahawks football that our good friends (from Washington of course) Rex and Christalle gave him. Poor little boy hardly has any new toys. He has gotten all of Mya's hand me downs from when she was little. We will be out in public and Trey is playing with pink and purple butterflies, flowers, and other girlie things. Andre just all of a sudden noticed one day and demanded that I buy him some boy toys, at least for when we are in public!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We are so blessed!

Andre and I have recently been so aware of how blessed we are. As much as we love it here in Florida, we have been missing our life in California quite a bit. Andre struggles with how much work he put into building the football program there and now having to start all over again here. We have found ourselves almost being frustrated to the point of being angry all over again. Finances are much tighter here, we have had to hunt for a church all over again, and of course try and make new friends. Through it all, we are constantly reminded everytime we look at Mya and Trey, that God has given us exactly what we need and put us exactly where we are supposed to be. Life is good, our kids are healthy, and even though I may not be able to purchase the entire summer line at Gap right now, I have a great husband and 2 amazing kids that keep me insanely busy. How could I even have time to mope around missing my former life?

Following in her mother's footsteps (I hope)

"Are you sick?" She must ask Andre and I this 10 times in
a given week. We then must tell her where we are "sick"
and she proceeds to give us a full physical exam. She does this pretty accurately I must brag. I have shown her the proper way to examine someone (certain body systems exclueded of course), and she has mastered it quite well for a 4 year old. She got her first doctor kit when she was 2 and one day I was watching her give her carebear a checkup and I saw her take the thermometer and try and jam it up the carebears rear end. I don't know where she learned that. Her sub-concious must have remembered that occurring as an infant because I certainly had not done that for a long time. Her previous Elmo doctor kit was apparently too young for her. One day she announced that it was for babies and asked if she could give it to her cousin Asher. She said she needed one more like moms. Nana and Papa Bryant found this one and now she is official.

Monday, June 2, 2008

It is so hot here! We go for our daily walks either at the crack of dawn or late at night so we can actually breathe! Mya is thrilled at all the different bugs and animals that live in our neighborhood. Yesterday we had 2 large black snakes in our driveway, we have a family of lizards that live by our front door, manatees that swim out our back door, and many different types of unique birds. She loves it! Trey just chills in the stroller and takes it all in. Andre's summer training has started and he is really busy for the next few months, so the kids and I are starting to explore on our own. We are enjoying finding new beaches, parks, and of course good shopping.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Our new place in Florida

Goodbye California

This was the last time that we got to go to our favorite spot at Capitola Beach for Pizza My Heart before leaving California. The three years we spent in CA were wonderful (except for the earthquakes that totally freak me out) and full of great memories. We were so blessed to live next door to Matthew, Monica, Asher, and Noah while we were there. We had a lot of great times and Mya and Asher were the best of friends. We miss them and Mya talks about Asher everyday. We even miss Bella! Now that we are in Florida, we are still able to go to beautiful beaches. Thank goodness because Andre gets grumpy if he doesn't live near water! We are slowly beginning to really like it here. There are days that we would give anything to hit Super Taqueria for tacos, Espresso Rio for lattes, or the Cadillac for breakfast burritos, but we are slowly learning our favorites around here too.

Mya's 4th Birthday

We went to Chuck E Cheese (again) for Mya's birthday. She loves that place! And, like her 3rd birthday there, she only had boys at her party. That didn't stop her from having her dream princess party. Each boy got to take a princess home with them . Her cousin Asher was so excited and he chose Ariel! Matthew, I put that in there just for you. Kaimi and Lucas were there as well to share in the princess fun. We had a blast and it wore her out.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Trey loves his exersaucer!

Trey is now 5 and a half months old and has 6 teeth already. Lets just say that I feel the sharpness of all 6 of them about 5 times a day. He is following in his sisters footsteps in that he doesn't need a lot of sleep during the day. He just loves to happily hang out and watch Mya and Sasha. Everytime Sasha comes near him he giggles like she is the funniest thing he has ever seen. Mya is his favorite human friend and also laughs at her whenever she plays with him. She is so good with him!