Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We are so blessed!

Andre and I have recently been so aware of how blessed we are. As much as we love it here in Florida, we have been missing our life in California quite a bit. Andre struggles with how much work he put into building the football program there and now having to start all over again here. We have found ourselves almost being frustrated to the point of being angry all over again. Finances are much tighter here, we have had to hunt for a church all over again, and of course try and make new friends. Through it all, we are constantly reminded everytime we look at Mya and Trey, that God has given us exactly what we need and put us exactly where we are supposed to be. Life is good, our kids are healthy, and even though I may not be able to purchase the entire summer line at Gap right now, I have a great husband and 2 amazing kids that keep me insanely busy. How could I even have time to mope around missing my former life?


Amber said...

Brianne- This is Amber Wallace. I got your site from Julie B and have been "spying" on you ever since! Hope that is ok (: that she gave it out. I don't know if you remember me or not but we met several (I won't say how many lest I reveal how any ages here) years ago. Anyway, I keep up on your family through Julie and just wanted to say hello again and tell you that your kids are so beautiful! Glad to know you are doing so well in Florida!

Julie said...

What adorable little Dobson's you have! The other day was a "woe is me" kind of day. I started to let myself go there and stopped thinking "I am so blessed to have these 2 little squirts, even if they are driving me crazy today!"

Kara said...

Ok. I now see that I am adding to the train of comments on top of 2 of my friends from back in Missouri. Julie Bartlotti and I are dear friends and my hubby, daughter and I just hauled ourselves across the states to move to Indiana. I read your blog and was empathizing with even the few words you wrote about missing "your old life". I am in a sort of mourning of my life as well. Starting over is so, so hard, that sometimes I wonder where the energy will come from to do it. Hang in there. Hopefully your husbands success will quickly carry over in this new town of yours. I just wanted to say hello. Feel free to pop over to my blog anytime.

Mel said...

You are blessed :-)

Unknown said...

I don't know how you find the time to blog. I can barely reply to emails, and the things that I'd write!, people would be a little worried for me. HA!

Unknown said...

I LOVE how flipping beautiful your kids are! Amazing! Please more pictures of your family and your new place!!! MISS YOU!!!