Monday, June 2, 2008

It is so hot here! We go for our daily walks either at the crack of dawn or late at night so we can actually breathe! Mya is thrilled at all the different bugs and animals that live in our neighborhood. Yesterday we had 2 large black snakes in our driveway, we have a family of lizards that live by our front door, manatees that swim out our back door, and many different types of unique birds. She loves it! Trey just chills in the stroller and takes it all in. Andre's summer training has started and he is really busy for the next few months, so the kids and I are starting to explore on our own. We are enjoying finding new beaches, parks, and of course good shopping.


Julie said...

What adorable pictures! I feel for you. The heat in Florida is like no other, almost unbearable. Sounds like you guys are getting adjusted to your new surroundings and new "neighbors." Call us when you can. I would love to catch up!

Kara said...

What gorgeous kids you have! I can't believe how grown up Mya looks in that picture! Miss you!